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TERRIBLE   Thoughtful



The Touch module teaches the difference between different types of touches—like a hug—that can feel thoughtful or terrible depending on the person or the situation. Special emphasis is given to understanding the process of giving "permission".

Watch Our Topic Introduction to the Touch Day



Prep & Print

The Touch module is suggested for DAY 3 and focuses on:

Why a touch can be good or bad, depending on the person
Why some touches are NEVER ok—like to bathing suit areas
If someone has to bribe you to touch you, it’s a KnowGO
Different "gut" feelings you may feel about a Terrible Touch
Strategies to stay safe in a grooming situation
Ideas of what to do or say in a Terrible Touch situation

Parent Activity: 3D Verion


PREP: Print Dicey Dilemma class activity

PREP: Print Dicey Dilemma class activity

leaning objectives
Download Activities


of Touch


with animations + instructions

Curriculum Slideshow

Click & present slideshow with guidance/prompts as you go.

Interactive "GO or KnowGO" animations that include:
• A part 1 set-up situation that outlines a scenario
• A part 2 animation that reveals if it is a "Go" or a "KnowGO"

Interactive class activities and support slides that include:
• Questions and reviews of what was learned in the animations
Practice statements covering what to do in a KnowGO situation

Students choose the best /worst responses to a Terrible Touch

Students are provided a list of 4 potential responses and are asked to rank top 2 best and top 2 worst r

Students are provided a list of 10 potential responses and are asked to rank top 3 best and 3 worst responses.


KnowGO Best & Worst Game Laptop

Best and Worst Game

Class Activity

Parent/Guardian+Student Engagement

Take home Activity

"Dicey Dilemma" mix and match prompts with imagery
One dice has a verbal prompt, one dice has an image
Students roll the dice and then answer based on the top image
If there isn't time for folding, use the flat version for regular dice

KnowGO Dicey Dilemma 3D Dice

desktop printer + printer versions 

School Posters

Posters for both school classrooms and common areas
Posters come in 3 sizes: 2 for desktop printers, 1 for local printers
Posters are to be displayed the day of the module for review
Keep each module poster up throughout the year
Posters serve as a reminder of the KnowGO strategies

KnowGO Terible Touch Poster

Print & Fold


Module can also be presented off-line with flashcards for a desktop printer

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