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sneaky   safe





The Separator module teaches the difference between safe separation—like someone trying to protect you from potential harm—or sneaky separators who use tricks and tactics to try to get you alone or away from your usual safe route.

Watch Our Topic introduction to the Separator Day

The Separator module is suggested for DAY 4 focuses on:

Why separating from your normal route can be dangerous
Situations where someone tried to separate you to harm you
If someone offers a bribe to separate you, it’s a KnowGO
Different "gut" feelings you may feel about a Sneaky Separator
Strategies to stay safe in a grooming situation
Ideas of what to do or say if someone is trying to get you alone

game tip in.png

PREP: Board Game Class Activity



learnig objectives
Download Activities


of Separator


with animations + instructions

Curriculum Slideshow

Click & present slideshow with guidance/prompts as you go.

Interactive "GO or KnowGO" animations that include:
• A part 1 set-up situation that outlines a scenario
• A part 2 animation that reveals if it is a "Go" or a "KnowGO"

Interactive class activities and support slides that include:
• Questions and reviews of what was learned in the animations
Practice statements covering what to do in a KnowGO situation

Sneakey Separator Board Game

Class Activity

To play students need 1 dice per 4 players + game board
Print 1 board for every 4 students
The 11x17" board will need to be taped together from two 8.5 x 11"​ Each player takes turns rolling a single dice, and moving the player the number on the dice
The game board will prompt actions (move 3 spaces, miss a turn)
First person to "Safe Place" wins.


Parent/Guardian+Student Engagement

Take home Activity

"Safe & Sound" cut out strips to choose the best responses
 Cut out rectangles along the dotted line at the bottom of sheet
 Select which 6 answers you believe are the best responses to a "Sneaky Separator" who calls out your name
 Paste the correct answers in the blank rectangles at the top
 Share your answers with your family partner



School Posters

desktop printer + printer versions 

Posters for both school classrooms and common areas
Posters come in 2 sizes: 1 for desktop printers, 1 for local printers
Posters are to be displayed the day of the module for review
Keep each module poster up throughout the year
Posters serve as a reminder of the KnowGO strategies


Print & Fold


Module can also be presented off-line with flashcards for a desktop printer

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