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cary   Surprise

The Secret module teaches the difference between secrets that are a "GO"—like a surprise party—and secrets that can feel scary or even threatening. This module covers how to know if it's safe to keep a secret, and when a secret is is a KnowGO.



Watch Our Topic Introduction to the Secrets Day

The Secret module is suggested for DAY 2 and focuses on:

Why a secret can be good or bad, depending on the intention
Why some secrets are NEVER ok—like keeping secrets from parents
If someone has to give you a bribe to keep a secret, it’s a KnowGO
Different "gut" feelings you may feel about a Scary Secret
Strategies of what to do or say in a Scary Secret situation


PREP: Print Word Search Parent Activity



learning objectives
Download Activities


of Secrets


with animations + instructions

Curriculum Slideshow

Click & present slideshow with guidance/prompts as you go.

Interactive "GO or KnowGO" animations that include:
• A part 1 set-up situation that outlines a "Secret" scenario
• A part 2 animation that reveals if it is a "Go" or a "KnowGO"

Interactive class activities and support slides that include:
• Questions and reviews of what was learned in the animations
Practice statements for what to do in a "Secret" KnowGO situation

Hop In, Hop Out Game

Class Activity

Students are asked questions and make quick decisions in this fast paces game that tests quick responses to situations.

This game is a spin off of the classic game of Jump in, Jump out where students are asked a question, and if it's a "GO" they jump into the center over a line, and if it's a "KnowGO" they jump out.

It's a KnowGO Hop in-Hop Out Game

Take home Activity

Parent/Guardian+Student Engagement

Classic game of word search for students to take home
Two versions: Level 1 and Level 2

The words were chosen to prompt conversation and interaction
• We've provided a Spanish version for non-English speaking parents

It's a KnowGO Secrets word search

School Posters

Desktop Printer + Print Versions 

Posters for both school classrooms and common areas
Posters come in 3 sizes: 2 for desktop printers, 1 for local printers
Posters are to be displayed the day of the module for review
Keep each module poster up throughout the year
Posters serve as a reminder of the "Secret" KnowGO strategies

It's a KnowGO Secrets Poster

Print & Fold


Module can also be presented off-line with flashcards for a desktop printer

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