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The Kick-Off Day Module is to get student acquainted with the KnowGO concept. The areas covered are: "What is a KnowGO" and "What do KnowGO feelings feel like?". The class activities are geared to get students comfortable with the material.

Download Activities

Launch the Kick-Off Module Slideshow

The Kick-Off module is suggested for DAY 1 & focuses on:

What is a KnowGO? What is a GO?
What do KnowGO feelings feel like in your body?
How can you tell the difference between  GO &KnowGO?
• Students make signs to interact and vote on the animations
An introduction to familiarize students with program topics
A take home parent activity to encourage conversation



Prep & Print

Parent Activity: 3D Verion

Students learn how to use "GO" & "KnowGO" signs to "vote" on animated scenarios.

Leanig Objective

What to expect on the Day 1 of the KnowGO Program


with animations + instructions

Curriculum Slideshow

Click & present slideshow with guidance/prompts as you go.

Interactive "GO or KnowGO" animations that include:
• An overview of "GO" and "KnowGO" feelings
• Interactive sign practice with animations
A game of "Act Out" where students act out feelings

Interactive class art activity that includes:
• Making of the "KnowGO' and "GO" signs as an art activity

Prep by printing copies of the optional KnowGo/GO art. Need paper plates (red/green), card stock,  glue or tape, paint sticks

• Create some form of a paddle or sign
• Fold paper with KnowGO on each 1 side, GO on the other

Students will use the signs to vote on stories and situations that will be shared in each session. Students can paste the KnowGO/GO logos from download or draw it themselves. Creative and unique designs are encouraged.

KnowGO Sign

Create the GO & KnowGO Voting Signs

Class Activity

Students stand up in preparation to "Act Out" emotions

• Read the emotions and feelings on each slide
• Students "Act Out" the feeling
• Students use facial expressions, body movements or poses
• Emphasis on how the feeling on the slide feels in your body
• Have fun and laugh! This is a light fun exercise

Game of Act Out

Class Activity

Identifying safe adults

GO-TO Contract

Students choose in advance the people that they will "GO" to:
Students choose 2 safe adults they know will listen/believe them
The chosen safe adults sign the contract alongside the student
Students keep contract to remind them of the adult's commitment

KnowGO Contract

Desktop printer + printer versions 

School Poster

KnowGO Kick-Off Day Poster

Posters for both school classrooms and common areas
Posters come in 3 sizes: 2 for desktop printers, 1 for local printers
Posters are to be displayed the day of the module for review
Keep each module poster up throughout the year
Posters serve as a reminder of the KnowGO strategies

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