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danger   discovery



The Digital module teaches how to navigate the confusing online world and what is safe to share, and what is not. Students are taken though scenarios such as requests for photos, information, as well as meeting a stranger off-line.

Watch Our Topin INtroduction to the Digital Day

The Digital module is suggested for DAY 5 and focuses on:

Why giving away information or pictures online can be dangerous
Covers situations where someone tries to meet you in person
If someone offers a bribe to do something online, it’s a KnowGO
Different "gut" feelings you may feel about Digital Danger
Strategies to stay safe in an online potential grooming situation
Ideas of what to do or say if someone is bullying you online

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PREP: Print Chatter Catcher Class Activity



learning objectives
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of Digital


with animations + instructions

Curriculum Slideshow

Click & present slideshow with guidance/prompts as you go.

Interactive "GO or KnowGO" animations that include:
• A part 1 set-up situation that outlines a scenario
• A part 2 animation that reveals if it is a "Go" or a "KnowGO"

Interactive class activities and support slides that include:
• Questions and reviews of what was learned in the animations
Practice statements covering what to do in a KnowGO situation


Class Activity

Students divide into 3- 4 teams, stand or sit together as a team

Each student finds scrap paper and a pencil or marker
The instructor will  read the question on the slide
Students write answer on paper and then crumple it up
Students have 10-15 seconds per answer
Teams line up and try for a  basket with the crumpled papert
The team who makes the most baskets wins that question/round


Chatter Catcher

Class Activity

Print and fold this classic spin on a "Coodie Catcher"

Can play with 2+ players, each taking turns
Students pick a panel/number from the outside panels
• Open and close the number shown on the chosen panel. 
Students then pick a panel/number from the inside panel
• Repeat open and close the number shown
The panel is opened, the question is read,  the player answers
• Repeat from the starting point as many times as desired

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Parent/Guardian+Student Engagement

Take home Activity

"Color-n-Chat" to prompt conversations
• Students choose a question and then color it in
• They read that question out loud to discuss with  family partner
• Student' share what they've learned from Skedaddle 
After discussion, students color in completed question bubble.


desktop printer + printer versions 

School Posters

Posters for both school classrooms and common areas
Posters come in 3 sizes: 2 for desktop printers, 1 for local printers
Posters are to be displayed the day of the module for review
Keep each module poster up throughout the year
Posters serve as a reminder of the KnowGO strategies


Print & Fold


Module can also be presented off-line with flashcards for a desktop printer

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